One of the most important aspects of preventative pet healthcare is deworming.
Deworming is the process of giving medication to eliminate existing parasitic worms from
your pet and to prevent the re-infestation of these worms. In this blog, we'll discuss why
deworming is important, how to do it and some tips for keeping your pets healthy and

Why Deworming is Important
Parasitic worms can infect your pets in various ways, such as ingesting contaminated soil,
feces, geckos or other animal tissue. If left untreated, these worms can cause severe
health problems. Here are some of the reasons why deworming is crucial for your pets'
Preventative measure: Deworming is a preventative measure that can protect your pets from parasitic infections. Regular deworming can help prevent the spread of worms and reduce the risk of re-infection.
Improves overall health: Parasitic worms can cause a wide range of health problems in pets, such as weight loss, anemia, diarrhea and vomiting. Deworming can help improve your pet's overall health and well-being by eliminating these harmful parasites.
Protects human health: Some parasitic worms that infect pets can also infect humans, in particular young children and immunocompromised adults. By deworming your pets, you are also protecting yourself and your family from potential health risks.
When to Deworm Your Pets
The frequency of deworming your pets depends on various factors such as their age,
lifestyle and overall health. Here are some general guidelines to follow:
Puppies and Kittens: Deworming should begin at 2 weeks of age and continue every 2-3 weeks until 12 weeks old. After that, deworming should be done every 3-6 months until 6 months of age.
Adult Dogs and Cats: Deworming should be done every 3-6 months, depending on their lifestyle and risk of exposure to parasites. Outdoor pets, pets with a history of parasite infections, and pets that hunt or scavenge may require more frequent deworming. It's essential to consult with your veterinarian to determine the best deworming schedule for your pets.
How to Deworm Your Pets
Deworming medication is available in various forms such as tablets, chewables, liquids,
and injections. The type of medication and dosage depend on your pet's age, weight, and
the type of parasites they have. Here are some general tips for deworming your pets:
Read the label: Read the medication label carefully and follow the instructions provided
by your veterinarian.
Administer the medication: Follow the instructions for administering the medication.
Some medications may need to be given with food, while others can be given on an empty
Monitor your pet: Keep an eye on your pet after deworming. Some pets may experience
side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea or lethargy. Contact your veterinarian if you notice
any concerning symptoms.
Tips for Keeping Your Pets Healthy & Worm-Free
Here are some additional tips to help keep your pets healthy and worm-free:
Clean up after your pet: Be sure to promptly clean up after your pet's feces to help reduce the risk of parasitic infections.
Keep your home and yard clean: Regularly clean your home and yard to help reduce the presence of parasites that can infect your pets.
Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly after handling your pets and avoid letting them lick your face or mouth.
Regular veterinary checkups: Schedule regular checkups with your veterinarian to help detect and prevent parasitic infections before they become severe.
It’s your Responsibility
Deworming is an essential aspect of pet care that can help protect your pets from harmful
parasitic infections. By following the guidelines provided by your veterinarian, you can
ensure that your pets stay healthy and worm-free. Remember to keep your home and yard
clean, practice good hygiene and schedule regular checkups to help maintain your pet's
overall health and well-being. With these tips, you can help ensure that your furry friends
live long, happy and healthy lives.
Want to know more?
For more information on deworming, please speak to our friendly veterinarian nurses at
The Pet Health Hub, which is located at 9 Staples Crescent, Lawson. Our new vaccination
clinic is now open on the premises and is providing parasite treatments and advice for
cats, kittens, puppies, dogs and other small animals. To book a consultation, email or
please call us on (02) 4759 2655.